Making things work: How do we manage Coronavirus risks on construction projects?

As a construction consultancy company, our job is to make sure that the construction projects we have under coordination are carried out according to the initial plan and on budget, regardless the external factors that may interfere.

We all know that the Coronavirus situation has a great potential to affect the entire economy and the construction market as well, but we strongly believe that with a good organisation and a set of risk management measures we will be able to overcome this difficult period.

Vitalis Consulting team is still going safely, but consistently

With over 60 construction projects currently under coordination both in Bucharest and major regional cities, we found ourselves in the need to implement a working system that will allow us to continue our activity and to perform our work as good as before, and at the same time, to protect ourselves, our families, colleagues and partners from possible exposure to infection with the new Coronavirus.
Luckily for us, we have at our service all the means that allow us to do so! Here are some of the most important risk management decisions implemented into Vitalis team working system starting with the beginning of this week:

  • Avoiding as much as possible in-person meetings;
  • Office disinfection by nebulization procedure;
  • All our colleagues and collaborators will work from home as much as possible, to avoid exposure and possible contamination;
  • The meeting agenda and minutes will be transmitted online, via e-mail;
  • All the important subjects that do not request in-person meetings will be discussed by phone or e-mail;
  • All the site visits will be made in small groups of persons, keeping the recommended distance between attendants and following the hygiene and prevention instructions of each site.
  • Avoiding as much as possible handing over documents and reports in physical form and trying to transmit all the documentation, reports and billing papers online, via e-mail;
  • Where no daily physical presence is required, Vitalis team has at its service a safe modern online communication system that includes: video call system, screen sharing, teleconference call system, drive cloud and many others.

Therefore, we can say that we are fully prepared to continue our work in complete safety, so that the projects we coordinate do not suffer from the Coronavirus situation.

How can we prevent Coronavirus infection on construction sites?

In crisis times we need strong measures in order to prevent the exposure and infection of our colleagues and partners. Here are some safety and prevention rules that have been implemented on the sites coordinated by Vitalis team, taking into consideration the recommendations of health specialists:

  • Installation of hand sanitizer dispensers at the entrance of construction sites, for visitors and workers;
  • Supply with surfaces sanitiser, liquid soap and disposable towels for the entire personnel;
  • Gloves for construction workers, subcontractors and site visitors, that are regularly disinfected;
  • Frequent cleaning and disinfection of common site places, such as office containers, toilets, meeting spaces, dining places;
  • Displaying  hygiene instruction and prevention rules in visible places;
  • Avoiding large crowds during lunch break and not only;
  • Limiting the number of construction sites visitors;
  • Transmission of needed information largely by telephone and online.

We encourage all our industry colleagues to follow the prevention and hygiene rules, in order to keep themselves and those around them safe!